Monday, June 2, 2014

Pitch Black (2000)

I'm watching lost I swear it... however... was out in the real world this weekend and ended up at a friends place.. we turned telly on and there was this movie on with quite the kick of action.. i did not know that i missed it... anywho my friends boyfriend told me that it was part of a series and that the first one was little know but worth the watch... wanting to watch the said movie again i found the prequel... hence me writing all of this stuff ;)

Pitch Black is about well ehm this commercial transport ship that just for the fun of it is transporting this guy that have just been captured after escaping from prison and is sort of like i dunno... dangerous to humans... and we off cause is transporting him along with a... oh you guessed?... a group of humans.. goodie that just sounds like THE PLAN of all plans... anywho.. said transport ship doesn't really like being all to close to a meteor storm and ship, crew and passengers crashes on this planet.. most of them being safe and sound on this hot desert planet finds well 3 suns and some nasty nasty aliens with a taste for flesh... good news is nasty aliens only hunt at night... the really really bad news.. well every 22 years this planet has an month long eclipse... and oh yeah it is about to occur...

I don't know why but i always said that i'm not to big on sci-fi.. don't know where it went wrong but ehm i have been watching a lot of sci-fi's in the last couple of years... and i like it... think it might be because a lot of sci-fi's has a good amount of action in them and i am a girl for the action c", ) 

anywho what do i think of this movie...? oh boy oh boy oh boy... there were like aliens and and uuuuuuuuhhhh shiny eyes >.< 

sorry i do realize i need more sleep... on a more serious note though... it is a really good movie... storyline got you a bit on edge yet is predictable enough so that you don't get totally lost.. the aliens.. well i like their design and i like that they used the design.. it is not just looks it actually has a point to it.. oh and then there is a lot of blood gory and other goodies... 

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