About Me

Who is SilverChild?

I have been meaning to put together a page like this for quite some time now.. just haven't been good at coming around to it.. anywho here goes...

so right now you have the delights of reading the words of Marianne.. A danish woman born in 1987 making her or well me at the current age of 26 :) I have some big passions in my life (as most people do) these includes Movies, Series and Food. The later (Food) I use in my everyday life as i am taking an education to be a chef... so well i make a lot of food on a daily basis and truly loves my job...

back when i started this blog (shockingly it has been a couple of years already) I wanted to keep up my English since it is a very important langues to have and be able to speak.. i do get words wrong every now and then and I know I'm terrible at checking what i have actually written before posting it.. anywho.. so i started this blog to be able to evolve my English and i figured why not write about something i spend way to much time on... and there we go a movie blog was born.. And as time has gone by I have been adding a little of other stuff here to... so well guess you could get to know a bit about me that way..

up for a little digging?

my love for the world of movies where did it come from.. well as most kids do i watched a lot of cartoons as a kid.. and it has been fostered my entire life.. you see my Grandma always loved cartoons and has always loved watching them with me and later my kid sister too.. well giving my posts it is no surprise though that i always loved watching cartoons and i still really do.. it is well my way of staying kid like...  as my sister and i got older the movies shown to us by our Grandma got a little older to.. i can't tell how many times we have watched Cats at her place.. and well my sister is just a big a movie buff as i am (if not bigger) so it has always been a joy for us.. nowadays we even discus series like Bones and NCIS with our Grandma when we see her.. to very big annoyance toward our parents since they believe that we watch way to much television..

so what are my favorites.. that is actually a harder question than most would think.. things is i have a lot of favorites.. and they have a thing about chancing every now and then due to my mood.... like i said before you don't go completely wrong if you bring me a cartoon of some sort.. it will always make me happy... favorite cartoons well Scooby Doo is great... watched that gang more times than i can count over the years..

movies more in general, well if it has a good soundtrack or a great story (preferably both) then there is a high chance of me watching it more than once... But other than that i don't really keep favorites... I just have a bunch of movies i really like watching over and over again.. and yes it can be done in just one day..

oh and all my friends and/or just people around me will know that i have a very good memory when it comes to movies.. meaning i now a lot of movie quotes by heart even from movies i watched maybe once a couple of years ago.. let just say that even i know it can get annoying sometimes but sadly i don't really know how to turn it of.. my friends though just find i creepy... it is just such an odd skill of mine..

well that was a little about me...