Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)

I'm in need of Animations!!!! Sometimes I just get this need to find a nice animation preferably with some nice songs that we all love to sing along on. Disney often does the trick but since I have been watching them pretty much all my life (though it has been in danish) i figured that some of those nice DreamWorks that I love just as much should have a few nice words going their way.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is a western story but unlike the many (MANY) movies of that particular genre this isn't a white mans tale. The story evolves around this beautiful wild stallion in America in the beginning of the colonization of America. The White are trying to tame the nature by capturing horses cutting down trees building railroads and killing the "savages". Yes the white man isn't all that good in this movie. You follow the stallion later known as Spirit as he fights for his freedom after being captured and brought to the army (bluecoats).

So this is a emotional roller-coaster for me. I mean first I'm laughing then i'm crying then laughing then crying.. really it goes on like that.. The songs are great though.. full of energy making you sing along in no time..  Bryan Adams for the win!
Really I love this "traditional" type of cartoons.. and the message in it is kinda great. That you shouldn't try and tame nature it brings you more joy if you don't also we don't have the right to. This though is a question of believes that i don't intend to go into because it's not really what i'm doing in this. But it is one that this movie rises whether or not it is intentional. It is of cause also a great tale of friendship and understanding.. and even a bit of pride thrown into the mixer...

anyway I hope this movie can bring you just as much joy (and other stuff) as it does me.. :)

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