Friday, April 19, 2013

what do you mean with season ending?

so this week i have been a lot more than a little lazy.. actually my bed kinda attacked me every time i stepped into my room.. this goes with the fact that i have watched a lot (like really a lot) of animations.. or well they were going in the background while i was rooming around on this site i just found... the site being this one thing is... i am able to list all the movies i have watched through time ( well those i can remember that i have watched anyway...) and so far i learned that wauw it is a loooooong list.. not sure it is a surprise though.. anyway is on 1040 watched movies and still counting..  i will at some point add a link in le link box with the movies i watch throughout this year but it is not possible to make it list movies i have seen more than once.. guess we'll have to live with it don't we ;)

anywho.. all of that seems to have no connection with the title of the post.. and with good reason since there ain't one... last night i got around to watch episode 13 of season 3 of lost girl.. it was a nice episode and i was like oh it is gonna be a bit of wait until Tuesday where i am able to watch next episode.. then i read the nasty nasties about episode 13 being the ending of season 3... are you f***** kidding me? they can't do that.. there is only 13.. that's like half a season... also


but if i have to wait (which i doubt there is any choice in) i really hope they be faster this time around because last time was way to long a wait..

oh i'm so gonna miss Tamsin.

btw not my picture.. just did a google thing so here's a link to the page i borrowed it from

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