Today it has been the most wonderful summer weather and i have ehm spend the day in my bed watching well documentaries... thing was i was planning to go outside.. doctors order and all but then i just felt this want to watch documentaries.. that is not something that happens often.. i do enjoy watching history channel whenever i go home and visit my parents but i usually don't put them on when i'm at my own place then it is more the make believe world..
anywho... i was watching a few documentaries i had on my wanna watch list.. and then i decided to check out what there was lying on my favorite watch site... so i goes to the section of documentary and i sort it by best ranking (sorting it by popularity gives you a lot of documentaries about sex and i wasn't in the mood for that) anyway where was i.. oh yeah the list.. so i go through it and every now and then there would be these movies that looked like oh how do i explain this.... a movie that is acted.. well ehm yeah..
this is what brings us to the question in the title.. what makes a documentary?
when i think documentary i think of an informative movie involving interviews with appropriate experts and well often acted sequences to support the theories..
but can a documentary be a entire acted movie?
well.. i'm not gonna come up with an answer.. i kinda just wanna share my well confusion
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