Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Bought a Zoo (2011)

A friend and I have this Dinner-Movie deal going. We try and meet at least once a week and do some cooking together and then ending the evening with a movie.. the deal is somewhat that I come up with some food (uh magical food) and he often chooses the movie.. I don't mind because it forces me out of my comfort zone and often I end up seeing a great movie in good company..

Tonight the choice was on We Brought a Zoo, a fairly new movie since it hasn't really had premiere in DK yet (ups?) anywho the movie is about Benjamin, an adventure junkie, who has recently lost his wife. He is desperately trying to make the everyday life with the 2 kids work. Benjamin's brother encourage him to start over but for some reason I don't think the turn of events was what the brother was thinking about. After Benjamin's son Dylan gets expelled Benjamin decides to look for a new home. He finds the perfect home but it comes with strings attached. You see the house is part of a zoo that needs a lot of maintenance so that it can open in the summer. He has his doubts until he sees his extremely adorable daughter feed a flock of peacocks. So now the house is bought it's time for the fun to begin...

This movie is soooooo cute. I might not have chosen to see this one right away if I had been on my own... don't get me wrong I love watching family's but this isn't one I've seen to much about at least not yet.. but it is simply adorable. It has it deeps and stuff... it has to after all we are talking about a family who just lost the mom... It is about a family finding a way to survive even though it's a rather strange way they go to do so.

the movie is packed with some big actors and it works really well.. i have to admit that the little Maggie Elizabeth Jones simply won my heart... she is so cute and maybe we will be lucky to see a lot more of her in the future. But she is not alone on this cast and even actors and actresses i don't normally like all to much is just fitting in this movie in a way that makes me wanna see it over and over again..

We brought a zoo!!!

so the conclusion is gonna be of the hip.. if you like sweet movies or just family's you should see this one. It's fun and different and I think any little girl will love it.. it has its cliches but lets face it how many movies are without some of those these days... 

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