Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OMG i loved that :)

okay so this is gonna be a little different than what i normally do.. girl here has to do something to get back on that writing track also I just have to get it out there...

So a while back i watched  Lost Girl and just fell in love.. this is also why i have been waiting for a really really really REALLY long time like a little girl waiting for santa to come with her presents.. and then in the ending of December where i almost gotten calmed down to act well as normal as i can be again (this came with the aid of another series that i do adore.. anywho) where was i.. oh yeah ending of December.. they started teasing me :-o what cruelty!

yeah yeah she's been found.. wait found what.. suspense is killing me as it has been the entire summer hey hey don't leave me hanging here.. okay so you post another teaser.. lets have it 

oh how very kind of you ô.Ô 

so yeah i'm not that happy about teasers and yet i watch them... to be honest I kinda HAVE to... i simply put love this series and don't know how to survive the next week.. yes i watched the new episode today.. yeah yeah it premiered on Sunday but with time zones and me feeling a need to sleep before going to work monday (and afterwards) i had to wait until today... 


I usually keep from using the term OMG (mainly because it seems kinda wrong when not believing in "the dude") but dang i loved that episode... it had everything... the long waiting for EVIL Bo and then more than one element of surprise and of cause that lovely sweetness I just love in this series XD

so if you haven't seen the new episode yet.. go do it.. really do.. 
if you haven't seen the first 2 seasons i really recommend you do.. 
need more info on what it is.. you could check my blog-entry about it right about here: Lost Girl
or maybe say hi to the official site:  www.showcase.ca/lostgirl/

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