Sunday, February 16, 2014

Crossing Jordan (2001-2007)

I am sorry for being so quiet lately... it is just that life altering, staying out of trouble and mostly watching series kinda make it hard on me to write all that much...

anywho... I finished Crossing Jordan today... again... i loved this series growing up and it is right there among my other favorite murder/crime series... i actually remember rushing home from school (at least when i went to school) just so i could catch the entire episode on tv.. what i love about it.. well there is the murder/crime aspect think we already established that i'm quite the fan of the genre but also the characters... mention this before to... you could have the greatest story in the world but if you don't have the characters to back it up it will fall through... and angry little girl like me loved the Jordan who clearly needed anger management and yet had this high amount of love and care for her family..

oh maybe i should explain what the show is about... just maybe..

Jordan Cavanaugh is a medical examiner who has meet well some difficulties in her job... luckily she gets a joboffering in Boston by an old colleague that know just how brilliant she is.. thing about Jordan is that she goes her own way and has quite the angry spirit.. probably because of her childhood trauma of loosing her mom... her brilliance in the job however is from her father the old cop who used to play murder/victim games with her to figure out not just who did it but why...

so there you have it.. that is basically what the show is about.. minus all the relations and stuff.. you have to watch that part yourself.. :P

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